Wyze Scale vs Wyze Scale S

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Most manufactured products have multiple varieties of the same model types; for instance, a car company can have an economy model and a luxury model of the exact vehicle. 

As for the Wyze Scale and Wyze Scale S, the main difference is the S model scale can read a user’s heart rate and why they are standing on the product.

Besides a few styles and design changes, the products perform the same functions and provide readings for all twelve bio-metric categories. Therefore, this article will explore the features and slight differences between these two Wyze products.


What is the Difference Between the Two Wyze Scales?

As mentioned before, there are very few differences between these two Wyze scale products. 

The first would be design and styling changes to provide a distinct look for each item so that consumers know when they have the S model or standard model Wyze Smart Scale.

The second difference is the one reading that standard edition scales are unable to compute, and that is the heartbeat or the individual using the scale. Like workout equipment, the S model scale can accurately read a user’s pulse through their feet.  


Which one has Better Features?

There is hardly anything to complain about when it comes to Wyze’s innovative products; this includes the Wyze Scale and Wyze Scale S. 

The product comes standard with bio-dynamic impedance technology, which sends a small electric signal into the body via the feet. 

Sensors then pick up the subtle differences in the signal as it returns. As for which has better features, adding a heart rate reader is a slam dunk for the S model. 

Although there is no other difference that is genuinely comparable between the two models of Wyze scales, the heartbeat reader takes the prize, giving the S model the better features.


Pros and Cons: Wyze Scale vs Wyze Scale S

Let us start with the cons, which only really pertain to the first model scale for not having the heart rate monitoring ability as the S model does. Beyond that, there are no significant cons when referring to the Wyze Scale products.

The pros are innumerable, even when just thinking about the health implications of using the scale daily and how much a person can improve with the correct health information. 

There is also the ability to notice subtle changes in bio-rhythms that may help catch a health complication before it becomes a major severe issue.


Price Ranges of the Wyze Scale and Wyze Scale S

When they came out on the market, many could not believe such a product was at the twenty-dollar price point. The original scale now comes in at a price of about twenty-nine dollars and ninety-eight cents without any add-ons. 

The S model will cost about ten dollars more, coming in at thirty-nine dollars and ninety-eight cents.  

This makes for an attractive price for a futuristic high-tech piece of equipment that remembers and provides measurements about one’s health that can be the edge on maintaining optimal bio-levels. 

The S model includes heart rate readings for ten dollars more.


Final Verdict

This one is a no-brainer since both models have the same technology and can provide the same twelve-point bio-reading at a ten-dollar difference. 

The winner is the S model Wyze Smart Scale because adding the heart rate monitor to the package gives the user workout equipment accuracy, making this equipment more versatile than just a bathroom scale.

There is no difference between these two products besides the heartbeat monitor. The reason to go with the cheaper model includes gifts for younger loved ones, budget spending, or a person who already possesses a heart rate monitor on a watch or similar device.

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