Why is My Apple Watch GPS Not Accurate?

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Most inaccuracy issues will be due to the various buildings, canyons, and other obstructions that either Nature has made or are Man-made.

If you are experiencing these issues, check your position, and report the location to your local Apple store or support tech team to allow them to fix the problem.

There are going to be many reasons for the GPS having issues, be sure to take basic troubleshooting steps to reset the module and get the systems working right. This could save you substantial time waiting on the phone with customer service and tech support.


Why does it Happen?

The most common cause of inaccurate readings will be obstructing the satellite’s line of sight with the GPS receiver on the Apple Watch.

Obstructions include buildings, or more giant natural formations, which can be navigated around because of the tracking issues.

There will also be some instances where the inner mechanisms have broken down, which usually can be spotted right away when navigation is faulty, even in wide open spaces.

Finally, the last element to watch is the weather and cloud cover level during the accuracy failure.


Is it Common?

The introductory models of Apple Watches will have design flaws that made this a common occurrence. As technology has improved, this has become only common in certain dead zone areas.

In the future, as the Watch technology evolves and innovates, the accuracy of the GPS will only get better and deliver the most accurate data that even Professional Sports and venues might be interested in.

In today’s market, 2023, there will be few watches that do not perform as well as any smartphone out there. So in the coming years, it will become more common to hear about seamless performance instead of inaccuracies.


What can be the Most Likely Cause?

The most likely cause, as mentioned earlier in the article, will be tall natural formations and urban buildings that block the satellite signal.

The receiver needs a clear line of sight to collect the data from the spacecraft and process the triangulation information to give the user a precise location.

Another likely cause will be the weather; cloudy days can hinder a clean and clear signal as any building or canyon wall. The best policy is to expect these technological mistakes and anticipate dead zones when getting GPS tracking information.


How Can You Improve its Accuracy?

There will be specific settings that can improve accuracy, especially the newer models with the Workout tab.

Additionally, in the mentioned tab, the option to select the activity being participated in will be available. Upon selecting an option, the Apple Watch will alter how it collects and interoperates the data being collected.

For instance, a person going for a hike would want to get out of pool length mode and instead use the walking mode to get a more accurate picture.

In addition, there will be tricks like keeping to higher ground and keeping a clear line of sight with the sky, which will, in effect, improve the accuracy of data being sent to the user.


Should you pair it with an iPhone for More Accuracy?

Moving into the 2023 year, there are many different watch and iPhone combinations that could take place. Each of these would benefit from the shared triangulation information when working together to give a user a global position.

In other words, yes, there is going to be a maximum benefit when it comes to having both devices working on your behalf, and it will be recommended with all models except the Apple Watch Ultra.

This latest Apple product has the ability to triangulate with precision, solo, and without the need for an iPhone pairing.


Final Thoughts on Why is my Apple Watch GPS not Accurate

Smart Watches have changed the social and business worlds making communication as easy as looking at one’s wrist, so much so that jogging and other endurance athletes use their Global Positioning Systems to help better collect data for training purposes.

Newer GPS technologies allow for certain Apple Watches to work without an iPhone attached, the Apple Watch Ultra, to name one.

There is no need to feel pressured into leaving your iPhone behind; having both gadgets working together will have better benefits and more accurate application results than when used as individual products.

These gadgets are fun devices and should be considered helpful tools but also enjoyable watches to have on the person.