What Is The Hottest Laser?

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Colourful laser BIM in front of a dark surface - What Is The Hottest Laser?

Scientists call the current most powerful, or hottest, laser the Zetawatt-Equivalent Ultrashort pulse laser system (Zeus)

The most powerful weapon was recently released by Lockheed Martin, which delivers a 300kW laser beam that can effectively remove drones, missiles, and other threats from out of the sky (or space).

The use of the Zeus laser will send infrared beams into a gas target of helium and effectively turn it into plasma.

In addition, the team is investigating new ways to produce X-ray beams from alternatives to the current technological sources. Either way, humanity is beginning to push the boundaries of science.


How Hot is the Strongest Laser?

For the military and Lockheed Martin, the laser weapon can get to the level of 300kW. In contrast, the Zeus laser is measured in femtoseconds, a quadrillionth of a second. 

The power rating for the high-powered laser ranges to twenty-five femtoseconds, according to the latest published studies. Scientists describe a femtosecond as such; a femtosecond is to a second what a second is to a range of thirty-one point seven one million years. 

Making this a high-velocity, heat-producing light source that will be utilized to understand the universe through the study of science and controlled laboratory experimentation.


What Color Laser Pointer is the Hottest?

The interesting fact is that even though green laser pointers are the brightest on the market, they are not the hottest temperature rated. 

That would belong to the blue laser pointers, which have been said to set materials like paper on fire, melted plastic, and even pop items like balloons.

The most dangerous rated lasers would be class four level beams, known for causing burns and only used by professionals who have acquired permits. Their most common use is to produce light shows for large audiences, such as the light shows seen at concerts.


Which Laser can Burn Things?

As mentioned before, a level four laser beam will be the highest rating possible out of the five rating scales presented. Class four lasers burn through paper and melt plastics if left on an object for too long.

Typically, these lasers are seen on the color spectrum as blue, similar to the color fire produces but at a much higher intensity. These lasers are carefully monitored and require permits to be used in a public setting or for scientific study.

A laser can cause severe damage and be extremely dangerous if not correctly handled and monitored.


What is the Hottest Laser Used For?

At this moment, the ZEUS laser beam is being used for scientific discovery and study. 

The current experiment being run is one of anatomical manipulation and attempting to turn helium atoms into plasma, which then will have the ability to produce X-rays in a way unbeknown to humankind.

This contrasts with the recently developed laser beam weapon; this study hopes to find a way to eliminate the need for the radiation associated with today’s technology and replace it with laser beam technology. 

Which, in the end, could be a health benefit for both patients and medical staff members.


Can You Buy it?

There may be better ideas than a blue laser pointer for a gift. Still, it is available through some store outlets, but the most popular color is red. 

As for everyday people purchasing a ZEUS laser, that is out of the question. However, as scientists discover these new laser beam levels, there will be a push by the private sector to make these available to the public. 

Unlike most technologies being developed, laser beams are not easily contained and, therefore, may be too dangerous for public use. 

Like a firearm, these energy beams are not to be taken lightly, especially at higher power levels like the ZEUS beam.


Final Thoughts on What is the Hottest Laser

As the world becomes more and more advanced technologically and in scientific understanding, there will be elements that will need to be studied. 

A perfect example would be the situation with laser beams and using them in experiments to find new uses to learn more about the physical reality in which we live. Remember that red beams are mild, and Green beams are the brightest. 

Still, it will be the Blue lasers that are considered dangerous and should be handled with professional care. So next time you have your cat chasing that laser pointer, be sure to buy the red kind to avoid unnecessary burning.