Spectrum Mobile review

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Smiling woman looking at a phone in her hands - Spectrum Mobile review.

From the mid-tier cell provider perspective, one company must pair with a major network provider to preserve the image of a reliable service provider. 

Spectrum Mobile has chosen to work with Verizon wireless and use the network that is arguably the most reliable in the United States of America.

As far as public opinion is concerned, this mid-tier company has mixed reviews; the more recent ones have been positive, which indicates the service is improving and possibly worth looking at. 

In addition, the pricing is competitive for the market; a variety of phones to select from, including iPhone and Android, and the coverage is solid.


What Quality Does Spectrum Mobile Have?

Spectrum mobile has been reviewed and tested and found to have quality uninterrupted talk and text services that can vary depending on technology. 

As far as the data service is concerned, in being partnered with Verizon, the older issues of slow internet are a thing of the past. Verizon Wireless provides some of the fastest internet and data speeds in the industry, which only bodes well for the Mid-tier provider. 

There is hardly a network with the 5G speeds and coverage that this American company service allows its users to roam freely about the United States.


How Much Does it Cost?

There are two primary options offered by Spectrum mobile.

 When concerning a straightforward solo cell phone service, one can purchase a single gig of data for $14.99 a month or go for the unlimited plan, which would run you around thirty dollars plus a ten-dollar upfront cost.

There is also a family plan option for those looking for a cell phone for the growing family needing communication tools. 

For Spectrum mobile, there is the Unlimited plan with up to three lines at eighty-nine dollars. Again, this is right in the middle of the mid-tier market, less expensive than Cricket and Metro but more expensive than, say, Google Fi.


Does Spectrum Mobile have Good Coverage?

As we mentioned before, the mid-tier companies rely on the cellular tower networks of the larger providers to provide the speed of service that customers demand in today’s 5G world. 

So spectrum Mobile partnered with the giant Verizon wireless to stay competitive in the cell service industry.

Verizon has been argued to be the most reliable network in the American cell phone market; the coverage spans the United States. 

This is good news for those looking into Spectrum Wireless; the price and quality of the network are at a fair value.To put it simply, yes, this service comes with good coverage.


What are its Best Features?

Regarding the mid-tiers, customer services are where they set each other apart; Spectrum Mobile believes in accessibility to the brand. 

They have stores both online and at physical stores throughout the United States, but also have a telephone line to give the customer base the flexibility to visit their store wherever and whenever is convenient to them.

Spectrum also comes with Verizon wireless’s network coverage giving those looking to switch the comfort of knowing that they have one of the Nation’s best and most reliable services to work with. 

Of course, the best feature would have to be customer service accessibility.


What are the Flaws of Spectrum Mobile?

There are few ‘flaws’ besides the apparent holes in the coverage concerning extremely rural areas, high peaks, and wilderness places. However, Spectrum lacks the primary carrier’s ability to provide newer phones when they come out.

There is, however, a plethora of reviews online that speak about the poor customer service and support; one review talked about the service being solid in the beginning, but after some time using the service, they noticed some patchiness to the call quality. 

Only to be countered by those with a positive experience with the service; as with anything, do your research to be sure.


Final Thoughts on Spectrum Mobile 

There are many options regarding cell phone service providers, and choosing an option that is not one of the major market brands can take time and effort. 

Many smaller brands will promise you one thing and deliver another; Spectrum Wireless is a brand that has been given a rough time.

There are many single-star reviews online, but there is praise as well. From the cost, Verizon network there is value to this service. As far as costs are concerned, this service is relatively inexpensive to start up for a good deal for the right people.