Is It Safe to Remove Keys From a Keyboard?

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Black keyboard keys scattered - Is It Safe to Remove Keys From a Keyboard?

Most computer keyboards have removable keys; sometimes, those keys can get messy and need to be cleaned over time. Is it safe to remove them? What can really go wrong when removing them? Let’s discuss everything you’ll need to know for your next keyboard clean!


Can I Safely Remove the Keys to Clean Underneath Them?

Keyboards need to be cleaned, whether you spill food or drink on them or not. There is always a chance for buildup underneath the keys. That dust/residue needs to be kept clean to maintain the keyboard’s quality and keep it working as it should.

There are a few keyboards on the market that have easily removable keys for cleaning purposes. Unfortunately, however, there are some on the market that cannot be removed. 

If you doubt your ability to remove the keys yourself for cleaning, search around for your local tech fixing business to help.


What Can Go Wrong If I Remove the Keys?

Depending on the type of keyboard you are working with, there could be an array of things that could go wrong. Most of these result in needing to replace the keyboard. 

Listed below are a few different things that could go wrong if the keys are improperly removed.


  • The keys could break during removal.
  • The keys could end up getting lost.
  • After the board has been cleaned and the keys have been replaced, you might find that some keys might fall out or come loose with ease.
  • The keys will stop working.


Final Thoughts on the Safety of Removing the Keys from a Keyboard

It is possible to safely remove keys from your keyboard for multiple reasons, including cleaning. However, if done incorrectly, there are multiple things that could go wrong, leading to replacing the whole keyboard. 

Things that could go wrong include the keys not working, breaking, or even ending up lost. This is why it’s important to be sure how to properly care for the keyboard or even have your local tech company on your contact list. 


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