How much would an entire PC setup cost?

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A desktop computer on table and a chair in front of it - How much would an entire PC setup cost?

The Personal Computer comes in two primary forms, for the most part, the desktop and the laptop. When thinking about a laptop setup, all that is required is the computing unit itself to be considered an entire setup.

This is a significant difference between the two, and a Desktop requires additional components to the tower. For example, the desktop PC will require a monitor, a set of input and output devices, and the proper cabling or network to connect them all.

Roughly, an entire Personal Computer desktop setup would cost somewhere in the ballpark of Four hundred dollars to somewhere in the mid-thousands of dollars.


What is Considered a Complete Setup?

This is a multi-answer question; for example, a Gamer will want significantly better graphics cards than, say, an office employee looking for a different type of performance. Therefore, we shall use the standard office employee of the two as an example of a complete setup.

For an office, an employee would desire the minimum of a desktop tower, a monitor, mouse, keyboard, speakers, printer, and network connection with the internet. 

Then, depending on the model and unit’s capabilities, the last step would be to have the proper Bluetooth hardware, cabling connections, or Wireless able to link them all.


Which Part is the Most Expensive?

To answer this question, we must first ponder which component is most important for the PC user. For example, an artist or graphic designer will want a high-quality monitor with a sensitive mouse or drawing pad with a stylus.  

An office employee will want a computer with a super-fast network card to boost internet speeds to hold video conferences and access online documents for collaboration efforts. 

Likewise, a video game tester and/or designer will require an extremely powerful graphics card and computing processor with epic UHD monitors, responsive input devices, and a headset. In other words, the most expensive part will depend on the user.


What is the Average Price for it?

Let us break this down into three parts; first, we will explore the average price of a high-definition monitor, which happens to be in the hundreds of dollars, somewhere between one hundred and five hundred dollars, depending on the model of the monitor. 

Second, we will examine what an average office complete setup will cost. A complete office setup will include a desktop tower, office software, monitor, input and output devices, and networking gear. 

The average price for a solid setup will run a person between five hundred and a few thousand dollars, depending on budget and equipment needs.


How Can You Lower the Costs?

This is a relatively simple process; all a person must do is think about what equipment is needed and do a bit of research. 

Then, one can shop at second hand stores or make a deal with a company to replace equipment; it comes down to creating and finding the right people with the know-how.

Another solid choice would be to frequent the auction sites, which will offer the opportunity to find and bid for the same needed equipment for a much lower price. 

Social media marketplaces also make it easier to communicate and barter online for otherwise inaccessible equipment.


What are the Top 5 PC Brands?

This is a debatable topic to which many will have an opinion. Still, with this question, this article will examine the commonly known household brands through a possible unknown. 

Without further ado, here are the top five PC brands and the reasons why:


  • Apple – This computer company produces quality art industry units and has a secure OPS.
  • Dell – Known for producing solid office setups, but also has the brand Alienware for gamers.
  • HP – Similar to Dell, known for reliable office equipment and, recently, high-quality gaming PCs.
  • Lenovo – Lays claims to be the biggest Laptop brand and dominates sales each year.
  • MSI Gaming – Relatively unheard of, they will build you a dream PC if the price is of no issue.


Final Thoughts on How Much would an entire PC Setup Cost

Having the right computing equipment for your profession is a tool like no other; it can take you to new heights today. Having a complete setup will not only reflect well on your business image but will also show in the quality of work produced in the right hands.  

Take your time to find the right equipment that fits your needs, shop around and try to get the same gear for a better price, or those lucky few go all out and get an MSI gamers PC with all the bells and whistles. After all, an entire PC setup is invaluable.