Garmin Watch vs. Apple Watch

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When you think of Global Positioning Systems technologies, Garmin has been there since the early days of handheld gadgets and devices.

Today, Garmin has continued to stay relevant in the GPS industry through innovation, and the development of the smartwatch comes with some reliable features for this company.

Apple has been a company burning the fires of innovative forges hotter than any other in the past few decades of technological advancement.

Starting with the iPod, providing music to millions of people with a click of a button, moving to the iPad and smartphone, which naturally forced their innovators to find iOS-capable smartwatches.


What are the Similarities?

The similarities between these two pieces of smartwatch technology begin with the GPS tracking technologies.

GPS tracking technologies are used to track movements and help accumulate fitness-relevant statistics to which athletes can interpret the results and devise plans on where improvements can be made.

But, unfortunately, both are rather expensive to buy as a customer and produce as a manufacturer.

In addition to being worn on the wrist, these watches will have similar features, including an athletes training set of healthy data collection tech for runners, endurance athletes, and other athletic competitions.

Other similar features include digital displays that tell time and can connect to internet service providers but also deliver health information to the user.


What are the Differences?

To start, Apple is a digital entertainment and now smart device manufacturing and tech company, while Garmin is primarily a maps and GPS device manufacturer.

So Apple’s smartwatches are geared toward those looking for intuitive and innovative tech to help manage everyday tasks and communication needs.

Garmin’s smartwatches are geared toward athletes and outdoors enthusiasts that are looking for a device to track their movements and give feedback about their trip, run, swim, or ride.

The Garmin Global Positioning Systems will be more advanced, providing more performance data and measurements than the Apple Watches, which is not a real surprise knowing Garmin started out as a GPS company.


What are the Pros and Cons?

Apple is a flexible manufacturer, offering a plethora of different customizable features when it comes to its products. This includes smartwatches which can be designed to be useful to just about everyone on the planet.

Con will be the limited GPS functionality, meaning that these features have left users wishing for more, which leads to the overwhelming pro of having a Garmin Smartwatch, being the incredible accuracy and functionality of the GPS and tracking features.

Though, Garmin is far behind when it comes to the communication features and work applications offered by Apple smartwatches.


Which One is More Beginner Friendly?

Apple has built a reputation for having innovative operating systems and easy-to-use devices that only take some playing with to understand how to use it.

Those that grew up with Apple iOS devices will find the Apple smartwatch an easier beginner gadget than the Garmin products.

The Garmin company had thought about those beginners by creating the ideal watch for them; the Garmin Venu SQ is as powerful as the other unit offered but offers simpler menus and preloaded programs such as workout plans.

However, for those completely new to these types of devices, the Garmin Smartwatch will be the better place to start for most.


Which One has More Functionality?

The question of functionality will depend on what the user needs the smartwatch to do for them.

For example, Garmin Smartwatches will be better for the outdoors and active folks that need a watch to track their movements and provide training statistics for athletes or travel information for backpackers and outdoorsmen.

Apple Smartwatches will have these features, even providing a Nike plus edition to help runners in city and urban environments, but will be more for those needing a communication and work-efficient device for a fast paced business world.

Each unit from either company will be of high functionality to the people the products are geared towards, just depending on what your watch needs will be.


Final Thoughts on Garmin vs. Apple Watch

Both of these smartwatches come with the latest and best of today’s technologies. The Global Positioning Systems of Garmin are used all over the world by some of the most extreme adventurers and outdoor enthusiasts and are known to be reliable.

Apple has quickly become a leader in innovative technology, providing high-quality devices for communications, entertainment, and work. The exciting part will be to see where these global tech giants go from here and what technologies they come out with next.