Apple Watch GPS vs. Apple Watch Cellular

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The smartwatch has only been a reality for a few decades. However, this relatively new invention took the wristwatch to a new level of innovation.

Apple was one of the first on the scene, producing smartwatches with simple GPS tech and eventually having cellular capabilities.

Both types will have a certain level of utility, but as technology advanced, Apple smartwatches became cellular capable in addition to the GPS functionality, which has made the GPS-only watch more of a specific needs gadget.

There are places where cell service is not available. Therefore, having a cellular-capable watch just does not make sense, for instance.


What are the Similarities?

The obvious similarity will be the Apple iOS which will come standard on both versions of the smartwatch. In addition, both can track the individual via satellite, draw up maps as we travel across the country, and other GPS-driven topography.

Other similarities include Siri’s functions and features, the ability to play music from iTunes and show off photos, and simple things like telling time and checking the weather.

The thing about GPS-Only watches is they can connect via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to an iPhone or local internet provider. Both watches are just about the same thing, with a few differences between them.


What are the Differences?

The two smartwatches, as mentioned earlier in the article, are going to be more similar than different. First of all, the main difference will be the newer watches’ ability to function free from an iPhone and alone connect to the cellular network.

Cellular-capable Apple smartwatches can make calls and perform previously wi-fi-dependent functions free from modems or iPhone tethering.

GPS-only models will be restricted to hotspots and other smart devices to provide a connection to the internet but also be unable to make calls.

The GPS-Only watches are primarily older model watches. The older tech might be worth trading in for the newer Apple iOS features.


What are the Pros and Cons?

The best feature that comes with getting the newer Apple smartwatches will be the freed-up space left from no longer needing to have a smartphone with you, only needing a gadget on the wrist to communicate with.

The con will be the tremendous difference in price between the two units. The cellular-able watches will cost hundreds of dollars, whereas the GPS-only models will barely even cost more than one of those hundreds of dollars.

Of course, the inconvenience of not having the ability to connect to the internet directly will be the main reason for the low price, but it can be a disappointment for those techy people in your life.


Which one is More Beginner Friendly?

To be forthwith about this, both Apple smartwatches will be designed with iOS programming, which will be an easy-to-use interface for users.

The thing about technology is that some people cannot learn how to use these new gadgets or struggle to do so, making GPS-only watches a viable option for the less-tech-savvy person.

As for the seasoned Apple and iPhone veteran user, the newer smartwatches with data-capable features and cell phone functions will be debatably the better and easier option for beginner smartwatch users.


Which One has More Functionality?

This will be simply answered with the cellular functions not available on the GPS-only models. The simpler version of smartwatches, as mentioned in the section before this one, will be better for less tech-savvy individuals.

Both will have most of the primary functions found on all iPhones, iPads, iPods, and so forth.

But only the cellular-capable watches will have the ability to communicate over the cell phone networks, use the cell-data internet services, or function free from hotspots, iPhone tethering, or another type of computer.

There is no reason for a tech-savvy person to purchase a GPS-Only Apple smartwatch. Even outdoorsmen will vouch for other GPS watches (Garmin, for example).


Final Thoughts on Apple Watch GPS vs Apple Watch Cellular

The newer Apple Smartwatches will introduce new features, similar to smartphones, which will change how humanity communicates.

GPS-Only units will be fading fast, only being created to deliver a working smartwatch to devoted customers, quickly becoming stand-alone devices that can handle the same work as a smartphone.

That being said, if you have a youngster that is deserving of a gift, consider an affordable GPS-only model that they can sink up with their phones and/or personal computers.

The older generation might also appreciate a similar version of the watch, not desiring the extra features that come with the higher-tech smartwatches.