Altice Mobile Vs. Verizon

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Woman in white dress and a sunglass holding a phone over her ear - Altice Mobile Vs. Verizon

It’s important to note that as of July of 2021, Altice Mobile has rebranded to ‘Optimum Mobile’ – with that being said, let’s continue.

The truth is, everyone makes different choices based upon various factors in their life, such as where they live and what their career is. Therefore, your lifestyle is a choice, and it’s up to you to choose the best service to accommodate your needs.

Let’s talk about everything you’ll need to know when choosing between phone service providers of Optimum Mobile and Verizon. Such as which one is more popular, which one has better quality, pros & cons, and more!


Does Optimum Mobile have higher usage than Verizon?

Verizon has higher subscriber rates, meaning that Verizon has higher usage than Optimum Mobile. Verizon is also considered one of the largest U.S. wireless providers, with nearly 145 million subscribers in the U.S. alone (2022).

Altice Mobile (now Optimum Mobile) contained a total headcount of nearly 175 thousand subscribers (2021), showing which company had the highest usage within the last few years.


Which one has Better Quality?

Overall, Verizon provides a service considered to be of better quality compared to Optimum Mobile. Verizon’s service passes through over 11 thousand towers, giving their subscribers excellent service until recent years when they switched on 5G.

Altice Mobile, however, is said to have been getting progressively worse with time compared to many subscribers before the rebranding. This takes a toll on Optimum’s overall value, for its consumers complain about unresolved quality issues.


Optimum Mobile Vs. Verizon: Pros & Cons

Are you still having trouble deciding? Listed below are some raw pros & cons of each service to assist you in exploring which one might be right for you!


Optimum Mobile (Altice Mobile):


  • More reasonable price range
  • Free International Roaming Data




  • Swift phone changes are complex
  • Service is limited to specific areas


Verizon Mobile:


  • Offers the best coverage
  • Solid phone & plan selections



  • More Costly
  • Poor Customer Service


Optimum Mobile Vs. Verizon: Price Range

Optimum Mobile/Altice Mobile is known for its considerably cheaper rates. These rates range from $14 to $60 a line per month. However, some of Optimum’s previous subscribers claim that their rates were either higher or lower than this at one point in time.

Verizon is considered the more costly of the two, with phone plans ranging anywhere from $30-$70 a line per month, not including taxes and other unforeseen fees.

Of course, these prices will significantly depend upon what kind of services you’re looking for (ex., Unlimited data, talk, and text).


Optimum Mobile Vs. Verizon: Final Verdict 

Optimum Mobile (Altice Mobile) is a good phone service provider – however, it’s only available to those within suitable locations. In addition, while the service is considered cheaper than others, the quality seems to be lacking.

Verizon is more popular and provides its subscribers with the best coverage. However, the best coverage comes with a heavier price than usual. In addition, poor customer service may have you looking both ways before signing up.


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