Are All Keyboard Keys Removable? Or Are Some Not?

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A keyboard and some loose keys on a grey surface - Are All Keyboard Keys Removable

There are so many different keyboards on the market, especially as we move into more tech-inclusive generations. Keyboards vary in size and shape. Believe it or not, there are circular keyboards on the market. 

Needless to say, all mechanical keyboards have removable keys. 

All of these keys should be removable, for sometimes we need our keyboards fixed or even deep cleaned. Below we’ve provided all the information you’ll need to know about removing the keys on your keyboard. Let’s get started.


How Can I Tell If My Keycaps are Removable?

If you are wary about if the key caps on your keyboard come off, the best way to know if they can be removed or not is to search the make and model of the keyboard. Typically, you’ll find that the keys might slightly come up once you lift the key’s edge with your nail.

Even keyboards that have more sleek flat keycaps can be removed for cleaning if needed. They just seem more difficult to remove than larger, more bulky keycaps. However, it’s not impossible! 


Which Keyboard Keys May be More Difficult Than Others?

Keyboards with more flat, sleek keycaps are more difficult to remove. These include keyboards like a newer apple device might have. If you attempt to remove these kinds of keys from the keyboards, you should consider a few things.

The biggest consideration to make is that you will have to utilize smaller tools in order to remove the keys efficiently without breaking them. A toothpick will be a good household alternative if you do not have any small tools handy.


When Should I Not Consider Removing a Key?

There are plenty of things to factor in when deciding if you should remove keyboard keycaps. Some of these things are listed below to help you make that determination.


  • Have the keys already been removed recently multiple times? If so, refrain from removing them any longer.


  • Is the keyboard plugged in or connected to the computer in any sort of way? If so, unplug or disconnect the keyboard before                      attempting to remove the keycaps.


Final Thoughts on if all Keyboard Keys are Removable

All mechanical keycaps can be removed from keyboards. You can tell by slightly lifting up the side of the key cap that they can be removed. Some keycaps are surely more difficult to remove than others, but it’s not impossible. 

Refrain from removing the keys from the keyboard if they have been moved multiple times over a shorter time span. 

Removing the keys too often can cause the keyboard to malfunction. Instead, unplug or disconnect the keyboard before removing the keycaps as a way to secure the keyboard.


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