Mouse Stops Working After Minutes

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Hand grabbing a white mouse - Mouse Stops Working After Minutes

It’s no secret that all of us have had issues with some sort of technology within our lifetime. Specifically with that mouse that can be plugged in or paired via Bluetooth to your computer. So what can you do to troubleshoot those issues you’re having before demanding a refund?

Let’s discuss everything you need to know about not only why your mouse might not be working, how to fix the mouse, and also how to tell if your mouse is beyond repair.


What is a Common Cause of a Mouse not Working?

The common causes of the reason why your mouse might not be working great depend on what type of mouse you are working with. Listed below are a few common causes for both Bluetooth and corded mice.

Bluetooth (wireless) Mouse:


  • The mouse may need to be charged, or batteries may need to be replaced. 
  • In addition, the mouse may need to be turned on, restarted, or even reconnected.


Corded Mouse:


  • The mouse may be connected to the incorrect port.
  • Also, the mouse may have faulty wiring.


There are so many more reasons that your mouse may not be working. For example, for both the wireless and the corded mouse – there may be issues surrounding the cleanliness and dryness of the surface beneath the mouse or even the mouse itself. 


Can you Fix a Mouse on Your Own?

There are ways to attempt to fix your mouse on your own. The first thing to always try is to ensure the mouse is clean and dry. If the mouse has come into contact with any liquids or crumbs – it’s like to prevent the efficiency of the mouse.

There’s also an option to contact your local tech company to see if they offer any services in which they could fix a problem like this, or at least try to. Listed below are a few other ways to troubleshoot a mouse that may seem broken or not working. 


  • Update the mouse, keyboard, and computer.
  • Replace batteries.
  • The system could contain a virus via malware and begin a search for malware protection. 


Should you Ask for a Refund if a Mouse is not Working after Minutes?

Refunds can be complicated and stressful, so studying the distributor’s policies is essential before attempting the return. Also, contact tech support before attempting the return if you have just purchased the mouse and it’s not working.

It’s important to try everything you can think of before returning the mouse. If it’s a simple setup step you missed causing the mouse not to work – it won’t help to return the item without solving the issue to its core because you could have the same problem repeatedly. 


Is it Possible That the Mouse is not Working Because of your Computer?

In some cases, yes. It is possible for the mouse not to work if the computer is not up to date. However, it’s important to note that it’s more likely that your mouse will malfunction or not function properly than it would be not to work.

Ensure that every part of your computer system is working properly before assuming that the mouse is the problem. The ports where the mouse is to be plugged in might also be the issue.


How can you Tell if Your Mouse Can’t be Fixed?

A few factors to consider when configuring if your mouse cannot be fixed. First, if you’ve tried everything possible to troubleshoot the mouse and nothing is working, it might be time to call it quits. Listed below are some other things to consider.


  • One of the buttons is not working compared to the others.
  • Random, unsteady, jerky, or freezing cursor movements.


Final Thoughts on Troubleshooting your Mouse when it’s Not Working

There are plenty of reasons why your mouse may not be working or may not be working correctly. These could include the mouse’s cleanliness and how worn it might be. However, it is possible to troubleshoot some of these issues before considering a refund.

It may be possible that the computer or other components like the mouse may not be working because they need to be updated or even refreshed. If you’ve tried everything, and the mouse is still showing odd behavior, it might not be able to be fixed.


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